Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Greetings all,

My name is Michael Kavulic and I cannot tell you how excited I am to be returning for my second year as the Residence Director of Boland Hall. Last year was an amazing year as had the amazing experience of working with the Building Staff, RA staff and residents of the BBB complex. I am looking forward to forming great relationships again this year and meeting as many new people as I can. Please let me know if there is any way that I can be of help, makavuli@syr.edu.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jeffrey Carroll and I am very happy and excited to be returning to Syracuse this year! This is my first year as a Resident Director, but I have been in the ORL for two years working with RHA. I am looking forward to building a great staff and relationships with everyone, and having one heck of a rocking year! If there is anything that you need please feel free to email me, jscarrol@syr.edu.


My name is Karess Gillespie and I am the Assistant Residence Director of Boland, Brewster and Brockway Halls. I also serve as the advisor to Hall Council. I have a BA in Political Science and International Studies from the University of Iowa. I plan to start a Masters program at Syracuse University. Like many of you all, I am new to the University and I am excited to see what this year brings! Welcome to one of the best halls on campus and feel free to email me with any questions at kagilles@syr.edu!